Monday, 11 July 2011


Loneliness... Something that will be faced at one point in life. Even when having everything, we sometimes feel nothing... How is it that we can feel nothing when we have a lot of things surrounding us... Family, Friends, Distraction... But is it enough? Is it Enough that we have all this but we feel lonely.

We always Hope that Distraction will help us see and feel all we need to feel. But was is the Distraction? What makes us feel like we are high up in the sky that we cant see the hard ground.

As I sit here wondering all of the IFs and the MAYBEs, wondering whether what we have achieved in life is enough, wondering if knowledge and skills is all there is to it...

As I am thinking, my play list played a song by BabyFace... Listening to this song made me think back all of the things that has happened... the achievement, the likes, the loves and the hurt... as I was looking back, I see mistakes... Mistakes that has been made all over again... Mistakes that was made and learned from...Mistakes that is in front but was ignored... Mistakes that we feel comfortable in and we are willing to accept that as fate... learning from it should be a priority as we can rise and be stronger than ever... But as it becomes a part of us, we ignore it, we accept it, we let ourselves get hurt by it...

As I write this Post.. I understand it more better... I feel out of place, I feel left Out, I feel like I don't fit in... so I am gonna accept it and grow from it. Accepting it with arms wide open and understanding... no matter how it hurts, No matter how hard it is, No matter what happens... this is something that we all need to do... let ourselves go from things that hurts us... If i keep on staying, The Loneliness will always be there... I will always remember the good times as well as the bad, the thick and thin, laughter and sadness...

As I accept this... some part of this song relates to how I feel... May we able to forgive ourselves and be strong for ourselves as the only person who can help us is ourselves and The O' Mighty One...